Thursday, April 16, 2015

Dear Little M:

At 22 months, you are a hoot. You are getting more and more assertive when you say no, but you still like to snuggle in my lap and quietly look at picture books after your nap as you reassimilate to the waking world. In the morning, when Daddy and I come to get you up, you greet us while standing in your crib by smiling and pointing at your shoes, already ready and wanting to tackle the day. Then you snuggle on my lap in the big chair and when Daddy asks if you want breakfast, you energetically say yes, but then change your mind and snuggle back down when he asks if you are ready to have your diaper changed. You are quick to smile and almost always ready to dissolve into a fit of giggles when tickled or when Mama sneaks up on you, chases you, or does something silly. You love to help empty the dishwasher but usually signal stop for the blender or vacuum cleaner. We love you to pieces! Oh, and you decided you can count 4-5-6-7 now, for no apparent reason. Like I said, a total hoot.